用考网 > 外语类 > 英语六级 > 翻译 > 《英语六级翻译新题型预测:赡养父母》正文


用考网【翻译】 编辑:未知 发布时间:2015-01-10 10:14:15

  In extended families, the older members’ opinions are respected, and the youngest members are loved and taken good care of by all. China’s Constitution stipulates that grown-up  children are duty-bound to support their parents. In the cities, couples who do not live with their aged parents offer them living allowances and help them with the chores. In the countryside, though quite a number of extended families have dissolved, many married sons and their families continue to live in the same courtyard with their parents. To them, breaking up the  extended family means only cooking their meals separately. Most often they have their houses built near their parents’ home, making it convenient for parents and children to help and visit  each other as before.

  大家庭 extended family
  宪法 Constitution
  规定 stipulate
  义不容辞的责任 duty-bound
  生活费 living allowance
  家务活 chore
  解体 dissolve
  分家 breaking up the extended family
  分灶 cook their meals separately

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